JR Holland Updates

Coronavirus Update

Dear all, 

We are operating in unprecedented times and we need to prepare and react accordingly. JR Holland has three priorities; starting with staff welfare followed by customer service and finally business sustainability. You are all key to making these three priorities a reality. 

Firstly for your welfare and the welfare of your colleagues, it is imperative that you follow government guidelines on hygiene, cleanliness and personal safety. This is for your own benefit as well as those people around you. These details can be found here on our website. However if you are not sure, please ask a manager as we are here to help. 

By adhering to these strict guidelines your health will be maintained which will allow our business to do what it is good at – delivering the promise! 

By delivering the promise, we will achieve our third goal of business sustainability. You are all part of a very unique team at JR Holland Food Services, that is not only the biggest and oldest (we turned 25 on March 9th!) but also the best fresh produce business in the North East. This is down to you and our team. 

Please stay healthy and strong!